We protect the community and ourselves,

We decongest the health system

Safe in COVID-19 (I stay safe with COVID-19) directly responds to the challenges our society faces in the midst of the corona pandemic. Among others, it provides citizens with the capability to record systematically the progress of their health and communicate with modern or asynchronous health professionals, if required, in order to receive guidance.

For the citizen

The application provides personalized information to the citizen and will be available in the App Store and Google Play for free for his /her mobile device (phone or tablet)

For health professionals

It is used by health professionals to communicate with patients whose progress is being monitored

For public authorities

It provides a complete overview of the situation and the measures taken by Health Services, assisting in the strategic planning of the involved bodies

Capabilities and services

The idea is available to the community. Together we can make it happen!

Systematic recording of symptoms

Patient vigilance in relation to the recognition of symptoms and their systematic recording is vital. The systematic recording of symptoms by patients can undoubtedly lead to an earlier diagnosis of diseases and monitoring of their treatment.


Self-management of the disease by the patient on a daily basis, without frequent presence in health structures, especially due to the new conditions, is considered necessary and lifesaving.

Answers can be provided to questions such as:

  • How do I assess the severity of my symptoms?
  • How do I know if my symptoms are getting worse?
  • How is the health of my patients evolving in real time?

Personalized information

The application ensures personalized delivery of information to each patient. By managing personalized profiles, the patient has access to all useful information and services related to the disease, at a glance, and inputs from linked healthcare authorities and professionals. At the same time, with the main focus on the security and integrity of personal data, services such as:
  • Controlled access to patient data
  • Respect to privacy
  • Interoperability with third party applications using international standards

Personalized instructions

The patient receives personalized instructions for treatment of the disease according to the recorded preferences, history and the data provided in the app through the systematic recording of the symptoms and self-assessment information.


  • Citizen support
  • Personalized recording and information services
  • Support health professionals in citizen management and contact tracing
  • Support of Public Authorities in making informed decisions

Reminders and Communication

Citizens receive information about the progression of the disease, medical advice from assigned healthcare professionals and the results of their medical examinations.

This is how everyone benefits:

  • Less stress and more security for the citizen
  • More direct and safer management of patients by physicians
  • Better options for monitoring the epidemic by the Public Authorities

Real-time monitoring of the cases

An electronic platform that uses mobile devices to track symptoms for verified or suspect cases.
  • In compliance with legal regulations
  • Compliant with approved medical protocols
  • Supporting interoperability with national registries (COVID-19, citizen identification, etc.)
  • And ensuring data quality!

Arrange for a demonstration!

Κέντρο Εφαρμογών και Υπηρεσιών Ηλεκτρονικής Υγείας
Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής
Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας
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N. Plastira 100
Vassilika Vouton
GR 700 13 Heraklion Crete
Tel.: +30 2810 391453
Email: ehealth@ics.forth.gr
URL: www.ics.forth.gr/ceha
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